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作为战略合作伙伴,上海外服已是连续第四次参与“大中华区最佳职场”的评选。今年大中华区共有27家公司荣膺 “最佳职场”,由上海外服提供人力资源服务的罗氏诊断产品(上海)有限公司、优衣库中国等12家企业荣登榜单,占据榜单将近“半壁江山”。


SFSC: "HR Management Wisdom"

help Companies Create "A Great Place To Work"




One month ago the Shanghai International Marathon 2015 successfully concluded , as the exclusive sponsor of this event, Shanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd. (SFSC) has spared no effort in the support of this event for the past two consecutive years. SFSC has participated in every aspect of the race, from the foreign registration service support to the translation of all official documents, and from the provision of athletes' outfits to souvenir the sponsorship of 20,000 full and half-marathon runners. Moreover, SFSC makes every effort to advocate the progressive marathon spirit by planning Shanghai Marathon-themed posters and providing participating opportunities to employees it serves.

This is only one example of SFSC promoting the construction of vocational culture. Over the years, SFSC, a leading HR service supplier in China, has been adhering to the "people first, care more" service concept, and constantly advancing the construction of positive culture in enterprises. In 2012 when GPTW entered the Chinese market, it built a strategic partnership with SFSC based on the common desire to create the "Best Workplace". GPTW worked together with SFSC to launch the selection of the best workplaces in Greater China and promoted the human resource practice of both foreign enterprises in China and Chinese enterprises moving toward internationalization.

Founded in 1984, SFSC is the largest human resource service enterprise in China. Over the last three decades, with "Local Wisdom" being deeply rooted in our business practices and using our "Global Vision" to integrate the best practices of transnational companies, SFSC has become the preferred partner of numerous well-known transnational companies and local enterprises.

Currently, SFSC boasts 112 directly affiliated branches and more than 400 service outlets nationwide and provides professional and efficient human resource services to over 1.39 million employees of more than 25,000 well-known enterprises, covering 85% of the Fortune Global 500 enterprises in China. In 2014, SFSC harvested an operating revenue of RMB 73.5 billion, which ranks SFSC the 20th in the "TOP 100 Shanghai Enterprises 2015", and the 10th of the "TOP 50 Shanghai Service Enterprises", and topping in domestic human resource service industry several years in a row.

Quite a number of enterprises on GPTW’s list over these years are employing the human resource services provided by SFSC, such as UNIQLO and Roche Diagnostics. As a matter of fact, with businesses trying to create the best workplace, SFSC is becoming their most reliable partner with its "human resource management wisdom".

Benchmarking Services, Increasing Employee Satisfaction

As one of the earliest local HR service enterprises, SFSC has been leading the development of local industry for more than three decades. SFSC is the "No. 1 Brand" in many aspects, making it the well-deserved local service benchmark SFSC was the first entity to pass DNV ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification in the industry; the first to establish rigorous service level agreement (SLA) which later became the industrial standard; the first to launch original IT human resource solution of "Sol Cube" system. In addition to these, SFSC has an extremely stable team of senior experts, who are able to customize flexible and comprehensive solutions based on the specific requirements of different enterprises and carry out scientific implementation.

With resources of over 25,000 high-quality enterprises, SFSC also set up multiple platforms, including "Foreign Enterprises HR Executive Elites", "Labor Forum of the World's TOP 500 Enterprises", and many more which help enterprises share their best practices and experience with respect to HR management. In addition, SFSC brings more love to employees by way of sponsoring the Shanghai Marathon, carrying out wonderful salon activities for employees on a regular basis, etc.

For a host of enterprises, selecting SFSC means they can focus on core HR strategic affairs, their employees obtain excellent services, and their employee satisfaction will be greatly enhanced.

Make Innovations on Demand and Accompany Customers in Development

In the ever-changing market environment, SFSC has always created innovations to meet customers' needs and has spared no effort in propelling the development of enterprises.

Faced with customers' growing demand for creating employer brand, SFSC has started cooperating with famous consulting and research institutions at home and abroad. This cooperation focuses on core topics of talent management and constantly issued reports and white papers with respect to salary and welfare, labor cost, labor relations, etc. These reports and white papers assist enterprises in establishing a more competitive HR management system.

In recent years, businesses have started to establish HRSSC along with other HR reforms, and SFSC, upon demand, took the initiative to establish the "Shared Service Center" based on its intensive internal platform. The platform, which is used to fully support its efficient operation, synergizes with customers’ existing framework to provide HRSSC service mode.

Just like an aircraft carrier, SFSC has amazing "throughput capacity" in providing HR services. For instance, in 2014, SFSC has successfully offered companies more than 100,000 times of recruitment capacity, 1 million times of labor relation services, billions of times of salary payment on behalf of enterprises, and a billion times of statutory welfare services. The overall service satisfaction was up to 98.6%.

Create 3C Value by Leveraging Technology

Under the internet wave sweeping across the whole industry, technology application shave received more and more attention in enterprise HR management. SFSC took the initiative to realize deep integration of the "internet+" with HR, thus creating brand new value for HR services.

In 2014, SFSC released a series products based on on-line services and then introduced the first HR service platform in the industry based on cloud technology—SFSCloud. SFSC then launched a series of products of "Cloud · Health", "Cloud · Work", "Cloud · Concern", etc. by making full use of mobile internet, cloud computing, big data, 020 and other emerging technologies. By adding energy to human resources field with internet technology, SFSC has made employee experience more intelligent and convenient, thus promoting HR efficiency to be more digital.

Through "SFSCLOUD", SFSC offices and employees are forming a brand new ecosystem where infinite information can be connected, unlimited collaboration is possible, and the business environment is more harmonious.This embodies the HR service 3C concept—Connection, Collaboration, and Care as promoted by SFSC through technology platforms.

Confronted with VUCA age and other numerous challenges, more and more enterprises are joining in creating the "Best Workplace" to attract and retain talents, and improve enterprise market competitiveness. As a leading local HR service enterprise, SFSC will continue to deepen its strategic cooperation with GPTW, play to its unique advantages in the field of human resources in China, and assist more companies to become the best workplace with "HR management wisdom".